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"Once you do away with the idea of people as fixed, static entities, then you see that people can change, and there is hope."

- bell hooks

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Myers Briggs: ENFP


Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.


StrengthsFinder: Strategic | Empathy | Input | Relator | Developer





To prepare transformational leaders, who have the capacity to facilitate and create change through personal and student development, by promoting learning, equity, and achievement to all people.





Self-growth begins with open-mindedness and belief in one’s abilities. Growth is the life-long process that isn’t an individual journey, but one that starts with self-realization. A willingness to learn and having genuine empathy are essential steps in determining how to treat people fairly and justly. Strong relationships are kept stable with honesty and building trust. Sustainable development is the pathway to social justice, economic growth, and self-perseverance.



Professional Commitments


  1. Being open and honest with colleagues, students, and myself. Learning from all people.

  2. Asking for help or clarification when needed. Avoid as many mistakes with clarity.

  3. Communicating regularly and positively with students and colleagues.

  4. Assisting colleagues and students by providing support to the office or environment.

  5. Sharing beneficial information to students and colleagues, with respect to confidentiality.

  6. Creating a positive environment for students, staff, faculty, and community members.

  7. Establish goals and a vision and continue to work towards them.




Create a peaceful and positive environment where we, as people, can flourish without limitations and comfortably explore our potential and identities.


Vision #1: Enhance professional competencies through programming and providing opportunities

  • Attending cultural competency and sensitivity training (Social Justice and Inclusion)

Vision #2: Provide current and relevant resources to better serve students

  • Creating and seeking resources for student populations and community members

Vision #3: Build and maintain meaningful relationships to encourage personal and professional growth

  • Building networks and connections with professionals, community members, and students

Vision #4: Develop leaders through self-exploration, encouragement, and help attain and apply the knowledge learned

  • Professional development (Advising and Support)


Professional Goals:

  • Gain valuable and useful experience working in higher education.

  • Increase awareness and understanding of issues and decisions, related to marginalized groups, through training and cooperation.

  • Improve leadership and communication skills.  


Professional Values to instill in work performance:

  • Justice - Promote human dignity and treat others equitably and justly

  • Veracity -  Truth in words and actions

  • Affiliation – Encourage connectedness and foster community

  • Beneficence -  Actions that promote goodness and increase the health and well-being of others (2015). The Myers & Briggs Foundation - Reliability and Validity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2018].

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